Our american dream

Final chapter 3.5 years later, we are closing the American chapter. The feelings are mixed. The relations are strong. The experience is good. But life is full of decisions. And we have decided to have a safer and stable future. The best work experience that I have ever had is coming to an end. It was a hard decision and I hope that the future keeps the same high work standards. Working in teams where the main goal is to have a viable project while keeping the quality high. Working in teams where people enjoy the company of each other, make the time pass easier. Working in an office with good working conditions and where the hours spent are appreciated and the balance between personal life and work is priority, then DiMella Shaffer is my best working experience. I couldn't be more thankful to the people who trusted me and gave me the opportunity to grow as an architect, to build my confidence and gain my voice as a professional. Boston was the city that our son was born. Our ...