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by Polifactory

HOUS.E+ by Polifactory
Shanghai architects Polifactory have developed a concept for a rammed earth house that generates energy from a lake on its roof.
HOUS.E+ by Polifactory
Designed for a rural site in Vancouver, the self-sustaining HOUS.E+ would use turbines embedded in the walls to produce electricity from water being pumped through a system of pipes.
HOUS.E+ by Polifactory
Additional electricity would come from photovoltaic panels on the rooftops of five blocks that rise above the water and any excess power could be fed back into the national grid.
HOUS.E+ by Polifactory
Rooms would be set 2.5 metres below ground level, where they would be heated in winter and cooled in summer from an underground pump that uses the surrounding earth as a heat source or sink.
HOUS.E+ by Polifactory
Two courtyards at this level would let daylight down onto the sunken floor, while more natural light would filter in through skylights.
Inhabitants would also be able to harvest their own food by cultivating an ecosystem of fish, seafood and plants beneath the surface of the water.
HOUS.E+ by Polifactory


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