Organic Architecture

Architecture, as a material practice, attains social, cultural and ecological relevance through the articulation of material arrangements and structures.

Organic architecture: this idea refers to the buildings' literal relationship to the natural surrindings but also to the building's design if it were a unified organism. Frank Lloyd Wright was the first architecte who has a design process related to the organic architecture. The design of a building is not the only charasteristic. Materials, motifs and basic ordering principles continue to repeat themselves throughout the building as a whole.

Organic shape are shapes that are found in nature, but they are also shapes of man-made items.

"Let the design:
  • be inspired by nature and be sustainable, healthy, conserving and diverse.
  • unfold, like an organism, from the seed within
  • exist in the "continuous present" and "began again and again"
  •  be flexible and adaptable
  • satisfy social, physical and spiritual needs
  • "grow out of this site" and be unique
  • play, imagine, surprise
  • express the rhythm of music and the power of dance 
  • move all around
Be unique people!


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